
Imune Quality Line




The fast and permanent genetic evolution of broiler and layer poultry lineages brings innumerable benefits to the productive sector as well as the advantages for consumers of animal proteins. However, birds become more and more sensitive and vulnerable to the influences of external factors such as health, handling, ambience and nutrition.


At hatching, the gastrointestinal tract is anatomically complete, yet the digestion and absorption capacity is inactive (Maiorka et al., 2002).
The small intestine of day-old chicks is immature; it suffers from morphological, biochemical and molecular alterations that last for at least two weeks after hatching, being the 24-hour post-hatch period considered as the period when the most drastic alterations occur (Geyra et al., 2001).
Good nourishment and positive stimulation of the alterations in the entire gastrointestinal tract in early stages of life are a key to a future high performing matrix.

Bird formation

All such processes, aligned with handling the growth phase, such as weight control through feed restriction, cause stress and worsen the lack of uniformity of birds. All stress situations also interfere negatively in the formation of the gastrointestinal tract.


The handling before housing, such as hatching, selection and vaccinations (when not done on eggs), spores cauterization of male chicks, transport and even housing itself, subject matrices to long stress processes, which interferes negatively in feed consumption just after housing. Such factors cause matrices manifesting different times of feed consumption, visibly interfering in productivity.

Nutrition and Immunity for Birds

Since 70% of bird immunity is located in the gastrointestinal tract, proper development of this system, with an adequate nutrition combined with the use of complementary nutritional technologies, good immune development is attained. Thus, matrices develop a better natural resistance to infectious processes and challenges. A healthier bird lives longer, eats better and takes better advantage of dietary nutrients, having a better formation of reserves during the phase of matrix formation, which is a significant phase for the entire production process. The purpose is also to improve nutrient availability during the phase of formation of the egg yolk, forming thus a better quality progeny, since embryo and post-hatch chicks development fully depends on the nutrients deposited on egg yolks during formation.

IQ Nutritional Program: IMUNE QUALITY

With the purpose of proper nutrition of birds of fast genetic evolution and to attain the desired productivity targets, TECTRON presents the IQ Program: Immune Quality.
Nutritionally designed and developed to meet the demands of modern lineages, in both post-hatch and formation phases, as well as throughout the entire production phase. The combined use works many times in synergy with advanced nutritional technologies, adequate vitamin and mineral levels, combined with technological additives especially incorporated to the IQ Program: Immune Quality meets the expectations of modern lineages.


• To stimulate post-hatch consumption;
• To improve consumption during the formation phase;
• To positively influence in the development of the  gastrointestinal tract;
• To reduce the stress sensation in all the phases of poultry;
• To support a healthy flock.

For further information, please, contact a TECTRON professional.